Warm & Wet Spring Poses Threat for Crop Disease

The systemic solution farmers are seeking for their fields.

Recent warm temperatures and above-average rainfall have the risk of crop diseases rising across the Midwest. Experiencing the drier-than-average winter months, spring months brought heavy rains, making the planting window difficult for farmers.

With increased rainfall and higher temperatures, pests and fungal diseases have found ideal conditions to thrive. Key diseases threatening crop yields continue to be White Mold, Anthracnose, Pythium, Phytophthora, and Fusarium. (Read through to the end of this article to find the one common solution to eradicate these diseases in your fields.) 

Diseases on the Rise:

White Mold

White Mold is particularly common in SE Minnesota, NE Iowa, and NW Illinois, thriving in prolonged wet July weather. This disease can be found as white, fuzzy growth on soybean stems and gray to white lesions on the soybean nodes. Yield losses can be substantial, with every 10% increase in white mold incidence at the R7 stage reducing yield by 2 to 5 bushels per acre. 

Struggling with White Mold in your fields? Read how one grower turned his White Mold acres into a $275 acre ROI profit! 


Fusarium affects crops at all growth stages, causing stalk, ear, and kernel rot throughout the plant. Since the stem is the central system of the plant, crop yield begins to drop once it is infected. This is why it is important to promote a healthy crop stalk. To identify this disease in your fields, look for:

  • Lower leaves on the crop with a yellow appearance.

  • Stalk rot leading to wilting, straw-colored lower stalks, and reddish discoloration.

  • Ear rot presenting as white to pink mold and discolored kernels. 

As July brings the heat with optimal growing conditions for Fusarium (80-90ºF) and high humidity, you need to take action now to protect your crop. 


This disease can appear early in the vegetative stages and later on the upper canopy leaves, with favorable wet conditions, severely affecting plant health and development as the growing season progresses.

Anthracnose manifests with:

  • Water-soaked spots on lower leaves that turn yellow and then brown.

  • Yellow zones around the spots, with lesions potentially blighting the entire leaves.

  • Premature death of infected leaves in severe cases. 


Pythium is a common cause of seed rot and seedling blight in corn and soybeans due to hot and humid conditions between 85 and 95ºF. Rain and cloudy weather also promote the spreading of this disease. 

Symptoms include stunted growth, wilting, and yellowing of the upper leaves. Discolored roots that slip off when pulled are indicative of Pythium infection. The disease can also cause root and stalk rot, leading to significant plant stand and yield losses.


Phytophthora causes seedling rot and damping off after emergence, thriving in flooded, wet soils with low oxygen. Affected plants exhibit pale green, wilted, and drooping leaves which can lead to total yield loss if left unchecked. 

This disease significantly impacts plant health and overall crop productivity.

In-Season Solution with 60-day Residual

Despite these disease challenges, there is still potential to reclaim a profitable harvest with Xylem Plus systemic fungicide. The 60-day residual of Xylem Plus brings season-long protection when applied in-furrow at planting and foliar applied in mid-July. (Read the full application rate here.) 

Xylem Plus has patented phosphite molecules that are linked together, providing extended disease control throughout the plant’s stalk and leaves. In 2022, Iowa State University tested Xylem Plus in their research plots, consistently observing increased net returns with every application method monitored. Farmers using Xylem Plus can protect their crops from devastating diseases, ensuring strong, healthy growth and maximizing yield potential.

Protect Your Crop Investment

Don't let disease rob you of your hard-earned yields. Xylem Plus offers a reliable solution to combat the rise of crop diseases. By incorporating Xylem Plus into your crop management plan, you can maintain healthy, productive fields despite challenging weather conditions.

View our comprehensive Xylem Plus product guide here.

